50 Cheap Date Ideas

50 Cheap Date Ideas

You don’t have to be a high roller to plan and execute an exciting, rewarding date. Many men and women alike have found that some of the best dates are those that are heavy on thought and light on cash. If you find yourself with budgetary constraints with your next...
The Gallantry of the Cancer Man

The Gallantry of the Cancer Man

Chivalry still lives in the soul and heart of the Cancer Man. His politeness and courteous nature are unmistakable as he goes through the tasks and events of his day. Believing in traditional values is part of his make up and goes hand in hand with his chivalrous...
The Leo Man in Bed

The Leo Man in Bed

Apologies for the delay in getting the latest instalment of our ‘Zodiac Men in Bed’ series out to you. Without any further ado… Okay, so now we’ve arrived at the Leo man. What’s he like in bed? Well, the Leo man in bed is pretty much like...
The Practicality of the Virgo Man

The Practicality of the Virgo Man

The Virgo man experiences life through the eyes of someone who believes in using good rationale and common sense to get through the difficult areas of life. He sees the world in an analytical sense, observing interconnectivity and the relationship between one entity...
The Cancer Man in Bed

The Cancer Man in Bed

Our weekly foray into the sexual proclivities and behaviours of the various men of the Zodiac continues with the Cancer man… Okay, let’s get the icky stuff out of the way right off the bat. I mean, we could just ignore it, sweep it under the rug like so...
The Impulsive Nature of the Aries Man

The Impulsive Nature of the Aries Man

Impulsive in romance, the Aries man tends to fall in love immediately. He falls hard with the power and zest of an individual who lives in the moment. This impulsivity propels him through life in many areas including romantic, social, and business. Nonetheless, the...
The Gemini Man in Bed

The Gemini Man in Bed

So, what’s the Gemini man like in bed? Good question. But a really hard one to answer, because, unlike most of the men of the zodiac, ‘sex’ and ‘bed’ are not synonymous to the Gemini man. In the Gemini man’s thesaurus,...
The Taurus Man in Bed

The Taurus Man in Bed

Welcome to the third in what I’m informally referring to as our ‘Zodiac Men in the Sack’ series. We’ve covered (or should that be uncovered?) Capricorn and Aries. Next up, that most bullish of star signs, Taurus. So, what should you expect from...
The Aries Man in Bed

The Aries Man in Bed

We’ve had such a great response to our Capricorn Man in Bed blog post, we’ve decided to cover the between-the-sheets aspect of each of the men of the zodiac, starting today with the Aries Man in Bed. Before you even get between the sheets, however, the...

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